Title: The Chronic Chronicles: A Cannabis Storytelling Networking Event (Private Event)
Date: April 20th, 2023
Time: 4pm - 8pm
Location: Greynova Cinema Studios, Chicago, Illinois (Lake and Pulaski Area)
Ticket Link:
Join us for The Chronic Chronicles: A Cannabis Storytelling Soirée, an exclusive private event celebrating personal anecdotes and experiences related to cannabis. This unique gathering fosters a sense of community and connection, bringing together people from all walks of life to share their tales and insights in an intimate setting.
At the event, each guest will receive a random number upon entry. Throughout the evening, we will randomly call numbers, inviting the chosen guests to step onto our mini stage and share their cannabis experiences. Each storyteller will have 5 minutes to captivate the audience with their tale, whether it's funny, moving, enlightening, or just plain entertaining!
Here's what to expect at The Chronic Chronicles: